Aug 30th Monarch Butterfly Workshop

The WLCA Board is pleased to announce that we will be holding another wildlife workshop this summer! Have you heard about the decline of the Monarch butterfly? Recently it was reported that the number of Monarchs wintering in Mexico fell to its lowest numbers since 1993. This iconic species is in serious trouble, but not from habitat loss in Mexico.... The Monarch feeds exclusively on Milkweed plants, and these plants  have declined by 20% across North America due to the application of herbicides on farm fields and roadsides. It is estimated that the Monarch could go extinct within the next century unless we BRING BACK THE MILKWEED!

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2014 Wildlife Workshop

Watch for the 2014 Spring/Summer Wildlife Workshop hosted by the WLCA board.  The date is TBD, but likely will be the weekend before Canada Day (June 28th 2014).

On July 6th in 2013 the WLCA board held the first ‘Muskoka Wildlife Day’ for Wood Lake cottagers, and it was a great success! About 60 people attended the live animal presentation from the Muskoka Wildlife Centre. The presentation included 5 wildlife species native to Ontario- a turkey vulture named "Barf", a snapping turtle named "Sam", a great horned owl named "Dr.Who", a porcupine named "Quilber", and a skunk named "Petunia".  Click here to check out the photos.