Muskoka Flood Watch
Snow levels in the Muskoka watershed are at a higher level than in any year since 2013. MNRF advises that the current average snow water equivalent in the watershed is 187 mm or 50% above normal for this time of year. This is above the triggers in the Muskoka River Water Management Plan. As a result, lake levels are being drawn down to the bottom of their Normal Operating Zone in anticipation of a large spring melt. This drawdown has been in progress since January 1st.
With gradual melting forecast in the coming week, lake levels are expected to remain constant and flooding is not expected due to the projected low impact, short duration of the thaw.
However, lakeside residents are advised to watch for any pronounced thaws or periods of heavy rain as these could produce large water inflows and flooding in the watershed.
As a precaution make sure nothing is near the shore that could be washed away .